Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 13

Today was much more eventful than yesterday. Although, much to my surprise, or lack thereof, my friend that was in town, left without saying good bye to anyone!! It is so like him. Oh well. It was to be expected with how flaky he is. Aside from that, I got to do my housekeeping today, which I always enjoy. After that I went to visit my sister and my brother-in-law and he worked on my car trying to fix my squeaky belts. I left their place thinking the belts were squeak free, but much to my dismay, there is still a slight squeak. So I'm going back tomorrow and I hope things will get fixed then. We'll see. From their house I went to my brother's baseball game. They lost both their games, but it was fun. I went out to get some frozen yogurt after the game with my parents and one of my brothers and his family. The other one needed to go home and sleep. He didn't get much the night before. After the frozen yumminess in a cup, we went home and now here I am talking to you! And now that I've told you my whole day, I must go to sleep! After a 5 day weekend, I go back to work tomorrow :( I guess it is a good thing because I get so bored sitting around not doing anything. Well...

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

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