Monday, May 31, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 12

Well, after a long day of boredom and wanting to rip my hair out and cry because I was so bored, here I am to write to you all. My day was really uneventful and the time I was hoping to spend with my blast from the past got canceled until tomorrow because he has a fever. But who knows if I will even get to see him tomorrow. You never can tell with him. I'm not holding my breath. If I know him like I know I know him, he has talked himself out of having anymore fun with me for many stupid reasons, but mostly because he is afraid of getting hurt again by a women. It seems to me that when a guy really loves a women and she hurts him, it takes longer for a man to get over a break up than a women. We deal with break-ups easier. Yes our hearts get broken pretty badly, but out of every man I've heard of that has gotten their heart broken, it IS the end of the world for them. He has almost lost his life over his broken heart. I feel bad for him. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Needless to say, my day was not eventful. Quite the opposite.

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

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