Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 4

This is what today looks like. Gloomy. Those are the best days to me. There is occasional sun, but the sky is mostly covered in clouds. Big, grey beautiful clouds. I'm in my car because I had to go to the post office to send off my jury duty questionnaire. Yes, that's right, I've been summoned for Jury Duty. This is twice now in 5 years I've been summoned for Jury Duty. The first time I got out of it because of my job, but this time I think I will have to do it. I'm kind of excited because I love this kind of stuff. I just hope I get a trial for murder or something cool like that. Not that murder is cool. It just makes for a more interesting time while sitting there for however long you have to sit there. Anyway, so today is the Sabbath and I am relaxing. I hear my Brother and Sister-In-Law playing with my Niece and Nephew in the other room. Thoughts of how I will play with the new kids I will be Nanny to are going through my head. Not sure how I will do it. I honestly don't have really any faith in myself towards this new job for some reason. I'm always sure of myself with a job I've gone after and been hired for. This one I'm not too sure about. I think it is just the initial first day/week jitters and knowing her husband will be there at least the first day, to help me and watch me. I don't do anything well when people are watching me. Especially someone of a somewhat attractive nature of the opposite sex. It makes it hard for me. I will survive one way or another I'm sure. I think I just need to start praying more. I KNOW I need to start praying more. Well, I'm going to get back to relaxing. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Shabbat Shalom!
Until Tomorrow,
The Dreamer

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