Monday, May 24, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 6

So I'm not very glamorous tonight because once I got home I got straight into my jammies. Today was crazy. Do you ever set your alarm for work and think, ok, it will go off. Then you dream about your alarm not going off so you wake up to check it and it is hours or min before it is about to go off? Well, I had one of those mornings. I set my alarm last night knowing it would go off. My volume was turned all the way up and the alarm was set and turned on. I don't know what time it was when I thought, "My alarm should have gone off by now. Well, I know I set it so I'm going to trust that it will go off instead of being paranoid." Well, I end up waking up to my mom knocking on my door. I wake up, not at 6:30am, but at 8:16 am. I'm due to be at work by 8:30am. I rushed to work going almost 70 the whole way. My alarm was indeed set and turned on and volume up, but it was set for pm instead of am. Then I went to Les Schwab with the baby this afternoon to find out why my tire was pretty much flat last night. It was another wonderful nail that found its way into the heart of my tire for the 4th time this year. Lucky for me, it was fixable. So I went in just in time to have them fix it free of charge and I didn't need a new tire. Crazy day. Oh yes, I also went to visit my sister-in-law for an hour to kill more time and took a really cute picture of her on the floor laying her head on her mommy's leg. It was too cute to pass up the photo opportunity. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because it is one of my paydays. Anyway, time for me to get ready for bed.

Until tomorrow,

The Dreamer

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