Friday, May 21, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 3

So begins day 3. First off I'd like to start out by saying that I'm a dork. Now that we have that established, I'll explain. So yesterday I spoke of going to an interview. Well, as it turns out, the lady I was interviewing with didn't mention to me that she meant NEXT Thursday. But, as luck would have it, I got her voicemail message declaring that the interview was to be held on the 27th and I didn't travel an hour and 15 min out of my way for nothing. My phone is very interesting because when someone calls and I see they have not left me a voicemail message, I don't find out until someone else calls me and leaves me a message that the first person really did leave me a message. That is what happened with the interview message. Anyway, that was yesterday, and this is today. I sit here at my computer listening to the baby cry in the other room. He is not happy with me that I put him down for a nap. Well, sadly, he has to deal with that. I find myself today doing some serious reflection on my relationship with my creator. I felt very strongly that he was reminding me this morning that I need to show him I love him, more than just say I do. It has been something on my heart for a while now. It is just so easy to become lazy with your relationship with God that we become like everyone else who couldn't care less about what he has done for our lives and that HE is the one that keeps out hearts beating and can make them stop anytime he wants to. I find I need that reminder more often than I should. What I would like to do is get myself back to where I was almost a year ago. Last June I was daily once or twice a day, taking a moment, even if it were only 5 min out of my day, to sit and talk with him and read even as little as one scripture if not the whole chapter. I found I hated leaving home without my Bible because I was using it constantly where ever I went and I talked with him more than I did with anyone. And it was because of that relationship that I finally got answers to my prayers. Prayers I had never thought would get an answer, but they did. And ever since they were answered, It feels like I put a wall up and almost created this attitude of, "Well, I got what I wanted from you, now I'll just sit back and watch it happen." But I know that needs to end. So I'm going to try to get back into that routine and get that relationship back with my Creator, My Father. So, here's to Day 3!
Until tomorrow,
The Dreamer

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