Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 5

Well, this is barely still day 5. I was in bed and I suddenly remembered I forgot to do my blog today. Well, with 20 min to spare of day 5, I'm going to make this short. Today was pretty good. I cleaned my room in a way I've been needing to and wanting to for sometime and I feel somewhat sane again. Also, after tomorrow I will know for sure if I'm declining the offer for my new job. I just don't feel a peace about it and there are many reasons I don't feel right about taking it. I'm going to talk with my current nanny mom tomorrow and see what she says, if she'll take me back again for a little while. I hope she does even though I will be searching for a new job. My Niece had her 10th b-day party today. Kind of boring, but I'm glad she had fun. Oh and "GREAT" news!!! For the 4th time this year I have a flat tire!! Yeah, I said 4th. Not too happy about that. My tires are not that old either. Tomorrow I start applying for jobs like mad!! I hope I get something before the 4th so that if my current job doesn't want to keep me, I will still have something. Anyway, Until tomorrow...
Good Night and Sweet Dreams,
The Dreamer

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