Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 35

More Mushrooms along our walk today. So I took their picture.
Remember these three from yesterday? Well, the tall one opened up today! It was cool!

This is a horse I got to pet today while on my walk. She came right up to the fence. Such a sweet Face
This is the Big Band playing their music.

All the people that came

My family eating while listening to the music

Aren't they adorable sitting in their chairs!?

Hello once again. Today was kind of nice. I went on a walk this morning with my mom and sister-in-law and we walked by this field where there were 3 horses. The paint horse came right up to the fence and let us pet her for like 5 min and then she went back to eating grass. She was so friendly! I went to a free concert in the park in the little city next to us tonight and there was a Big Band playing swing type music. I LOVE Big Band music! It was very relaxing and kind of got my mind off of stress for a little while. Tomorrow I go to Silverwood with my family. I'm not looking forward to it because I think I look like a cow right now, but that will soon change when my income gets back to normal with the temp jobs. I will get my protein shakes back again and I will try to fit a gym into my budget. Anyway...

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

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