Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 16

I was just sitting here thinking of a poem I wrote back in 2001. One of the greatest poems I've written. There is one that is in running for close first place with this one, but I've misplaced it and I haven't been able to find it in forever. I hope one day I will so I can share it with you. This poem I wrote while I was still in High School. Let me know what you think of it. It is called:

Love A Memory

A memory that never was will always be; be in my heart of you and me. A love that was only a dream, a dream never seen. A dream that will stay a dream.
There once was a girl who met a guy. Their emotions evolved when they looked eye to eye. Smiles were cast, thoughts great fast of something that would never be. But there is always the thought. The thought of what might have been. A love that would stand through thick and thin. He liked her, she liked him, but it wasn't enough. It just wasn't enough. I write this poem, a poem of emotions and of a love that never was, but will always be a memory to me.

It is very simple, but at the same time very deep. It reminds me of so many relationships these days. They are full of passion and lust, but there isn't enough love to keep the relationship afloat. A lot of times it just seems to be for show, and not really true. When I wrote this, it was about me and a guy at the time. He liked me and I thought I loved him, and the feelings on both sides were very strong, but it wasn't enough. There was no action put into those feelings to make anything of it. This poem always gives me chills because I know the deep meaning behind it. It was like love was so close I was almost able to touch it. Almost.

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

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