Friday, June 25, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 34

This is my fat Nephew's knee!! Look at the rolls!!

So today I decided I'm going to quit my job and go work for a Temp Agency I've worked for in the past. I will tell them I don't want less than a $10 an hour job and full-time and then I will quit my nanny job and be rid of the life of "poverty" that I was living in. Today was pretty much the last straw. She tells me, "Oh by the way, the 5Th is a holiday day off at the company I work for so you will only need to work the two days that week." I asked her, "So I DON'T get Holiday pay then?" She said no and that it wasn't in our agreement, which in the beginning of my employment with her she said it wasn't a "written in stone" kind of agreement and can be changed at any time. So for the week of the 4Th I get 1/3 of my paycheck taken away because SHE and her husband get it off with pay. So they both get paid that day, but don't have the integrity to pay me for the day they MAKE me take off and I never get to make up. I left work so mad today and she knew it I'm sure. She also said to me, "Most part-time jobs don't even get Holiday pay anyway." Well Nanny jobs are different and most of THEM DO pay holiday pay! With it being such a devastating amount to take away from me just because they want to be selfish about it is unfair. Am I wrong about this? I just think they are being very underhanded about the whole situation. Anyway, so I went walking through Costco crying while my mom shopped. I was so upset and still am. I came home from that and went for a run down my driveway which is pretty long and my upper chest hurt and I felt very dizzy. Not sure if it is just because I'm so out of shape or what. I love to run, but I have a hard time doing it because my body doesn't like to. After I run I cough a lot, almost like my lungs have been filled with smoke or something. It is weird. Then I made dinner and ate with my family. Not a really great day for me, but I'm sure there will be great days ahead.
Until Tomorrow,
The Dreamer

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