Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 15

It may have seemed as though I fell off the face of the earth, but I actually went on a little vacation. I was about to go crazy being cooped up here just sitting around not really doing much, so I went to visit a cousin of mine in Tacoma and then I went to Beaverton to visit a friend of mine. Both of which are moving to Dallas, TX. It seems that is the place to go these days. Almost considering it myself. But I'm not too sure I'd be able to handle the spiders that are as big as my head there. Well, I had a wonderful trip, even though it was very short. I got to see my Aunt and Uncle and my Cousin and my Grandma all of which are my favorite on my Dad's side of the family. It was a very short visit with them all. Then it was off to Beaverton. It was a long drive, but it was good to see that side of the state again. I grew up over there and miss the ocean and the weather. Where I live there are lakes, but it isn't the same as the ocean. There just isn't any comparison. I got to Beaverton and met for the first time in person, a friend I met online though a friend of mine that I HAVE met in person haha. In the 11 years I've had the faith I have, this is the first time I had one that is the same age as me, and now that I've got this friend, she is moving. That is a pattern I've noticed with friends of mine. When they are really good friends, they always move shortly after we meet, or I move. Such is life I guess. If they are bad friends, well, those never leave. It really makes me want to move to Texas. Even though it is the state I have for many years hated because a friend of mine that betrayed me moved there with her family and other people from my past who have wronged me in ways I can't say moved there also. So it is hard to think of moving there, but who knows. Maybe it isn't so bad. Maybe I will enjoy seeing all the cowboys if I move :D Anyway, so we had a Kosher hot dog and marshmallow roast and sang songs by the fire before Shabbat and had a good time fellowshipping. Then I went to bed around 12:12 am and I got up about 8:30 and left at 9 and was on the road until just before 5pm today and I was so tired I went straight to bed for a 2 hour nap and then I woke up and read Torah with my family and had some dinner and more smores haha and now I am writing to you about my adventures from the past couple days and after, I shall go to bed. The drive home was very beautiful. It was a beautiful day and about 70 degrees and not really a cloud in the sky until I got closer to home. But it was still sunny. It is for sure a hard drive to do alone because it is a lot of straight aways and I got tired of listening to the radio because you don't get to hear the same station for very long before you are out of range of it. I did, however, come across a really nice bluegrass station that was really refreshing to listen to for the short time I had that in range. I never realized how nice that kind of music is to listen to. Very enjoyable. Well, I do believe it is that time of the night for me. 8 hours of being on the road kind of makes a girl tired. So...

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

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