Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 24

The picture with the grilled veggies and chicken was one I meant to put up a couple weeks ago, but never remembered to. So here it is.

So I had a tiny bit of a stressful day. I normally try to see the positive in things and I have been looking at the positive in my situation, but sometimes the stress just wont go away no matter how positive you are. I'm stressed because I don't generally make more than $700 a month. Yes, there are only 2 zeros there. I can't seem to get a good job. I have great experience and I'm great at whatever it is I do, but the job market is horrible right now because the few jobs that are out there, I'm either not qualified for or hundreds of people are applying for the same job. I've been applying to jobs lately online. I would love to go out there and apply in person for the jobs not listed online, but that requires using gas money which I don't have to spend on driving to places other than work. My housekeeping jobs seem to be phasing out because people can't afford it anymore and with just the 2 jobs I have for that it is an extra $300 a month, but since those are basically out, I'm out the $300 which is why I make the $700 a month. I'm happy I make at least that, but it is really hard to live off of. I am trying to think positive about it like, maybe Yehovah is phasing those jobs out to bring me a job that I wouldn't have accepted otherwise. So I'm hoping that is what it is. I need something soon. Or I'm screwed! I made my Salmon dinner like I said I was going to and it was amazing! I also made some herb bread. It was pretty tasty, but I think I overloaded it with ingredients and it made it too heavy to rise to its potential. So it was a tiny bit flat. Still yummy though. Fresh out of the oven hot bread with butter is the best! I didn't, however, take pictures of that. I know I can do better and I will. Then, and only then, will I take a picture of my bread :)

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

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