Monday, May 31, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 12

Well, after a long day of boredom and wanting to rip my hair out and cry because I was so bored, here I am to write to you all. My day was really uneventful and the time I was hoping to spend with my blast from the past got canceled until tomorrow because he has a fever. But who knows if I will even get to see him tomorrow. You never can tell with him. I'm not holding my breath. If I know him like I know I know him, he has talked himself out of having anymore fun with me for many stupid reasons, but mostly because he is afraid of getting hurt again by a women. It seems to me that when a guy really loves a women and she hurts him, it takes longer for a man to get over a break up than a women. We deal with break-ups easier. Yes our hearts get broken pretty badly, but out of every man I've heard of that has gotten their heart broken, it IS the end of the world for them. He has almost lost his life over his broken heart. I feel bad for him. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Needless to say, my day was not eventful. Quite the opposite.

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

A Day In The Life Of...Day 12

Oh my gosh I am so late at getting this in on time. So as it will look, there will be 2 posts for today. But how this one will read is as if it were just a couple hours ago: Ok so, a friend came into town last night and I had just missed his visit at the house by a couple hours today (Sunday) and so I called him up and we met for drinks and hung out. It was really educational, to say the least lol. He was the first guy I thought I was going to marry. I was 16 when we met. He was and still is very attractive with green eyes that match my green eyes. He and I found ourselves 10 years later still knowing each other and realizing we are now grown up. He knows me more than most people because we are so much alike and I know him the same way. We were closer tonight than we ever have been and it was surreal, but nice. I'm still kind of in shock over the whole thing, but I had a great time and will hopefully get to hang out again tomorrow (Monday). I will also, hopefully then, get a picture of me and him, if he lets me. My dad would love nothing more than for this guy and me to get married and has felt that way since I was 16 lol. Crazy night! Well, I will write again later and hopefully it will be even more entertaining.

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 11

Good Evening! Once again it is about bed time for me. It seems the days are just flying by lately. I was supposed to be on vacation this weekend, but plans were canceled because my friend had to go to the hospital. She is better now, but the trip still can't happen. Oh well. At least I was able to get my shift back at work tomorrow. I was happy about that. I pretty much spent the day relaxing and stuff. Not a big day. It was nice to sleep in. I watched a movie tonight called It's Complicated. It was a good movie. I really liked it. Steve Martin played a fairly serious character for a change. It was weird. He had a couple funny parts, but he was mostly serious. Well, I'm not up for too much chit chat tonight. I'm kind of in a grumpy mood and fairly tired. So good night.

Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 10

My goodness what a day! So I went to the movies today with my friend Todd, the one in the picture with me. He is a long story. To make it short, Once upon a time, I thought he and I were to be married, but that isn't how he had it in his head even though his words to me said otherwise. I found out the truth of his feelings and was broken hearted. I kept my distance for 11 months and now I'm almost healed 100% from the pain. We have remained friends, but only just recently started hanging out again because it was too painful before. He just got done with his chemo treatments and is now in remission. He and I went and saw Iron Man 2 today. It was a good movie. I still haven't seen the first, but oh well. I had fun anyway. The sunset was so beautiful on the way home from the movie that I had to capture it while driving. I came home to a beautiful and tasty meal and now I'm stuffed and way tired!!! I am thankful to all our military men and women who have died for our country as well as the ones still living. What they do is very honorable and brave and I can't think of a more selfless job. I tried joining the military once, but was turned down. I cried for a little bit because I really wanted to go serve my country, but I guess God had other plans for my life. Well, time to go brush my teeth and get in bed. Good night and Shabbat Shalom.
Until Tomorrow,
The Dreamer

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 9

So today was super eventful for me and I even overcame a fear of mine. Ok, so the day started out with a really happy Dayton this morning and it lasted all day! Very unusual for him. Then, after depositing my check because today is payday, we went to visit a fire station down the road from the house. We got a tour and it was fun. The fear I overcame was going to a Fire Station. It isn't that I was scared of going there, it was the fact that I pretty much adore Firemen in uniform and melt at the sight of them and to go there and try to be cool, calm and collected was a HUGE achievement for me!! It was great. Today is/was my Friday so I have a 4 day weekend to enjoy. YEA!!! I'm so excited! I'm in a really frisky mood today and I don't really have anyone to share it with lol. Oh well. I'm going to go watch a movie or two before I head to bed.
Until Tomorrow,
The Dreamer

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 8

Another day has passed and yet more events have occurred in my life, good and bad. Bad because I had to tell a friend brutal truth about herself that she refuses to admit or change and in turn it ended our friendship, which I expected. I'm not heartbroken at all, just sad for her and the way she treats herself. She doesn't see I'm trying to be a friend and doesn't want to talk to me ever again. I guess you can't make people see the light, they have to open their eyes themselves. So on a good note, my best friend in New York called me today and told me of the most wonderful opportunity to go to Ireland just the 2 of us within the next coming year. Our stay over there would be 6 days and 5 nigths, our choice of Bed & Breakfast and a rental car and food vouchers all for about $460. And airfare wouldn't be too bad, but we are going to try to save for it so we can go next year. I say forget all my vacations I wanted to take this year if it means saving for an actual trip to Ireland!!! One of my biggest dreams. How amazing that would be!! Also, I just happen to be in touch with my very first boyfriend ever. He was my boyfriend in the 8th grade and I found him on facebook and he doesn't look any different except he can grow facial hair and has more muscles now. But other than that, still the same. And he is single too! I'm going to call him tonight around 9 and catch up with him. It has been over a decade since we've talked. Also, today I got to go spend some quality time with my momma and sister and her son, my Nephew. The pictures above are of Grandma (my mom) and baby Jaren. He is the chubbiest little man! And super cute with gorgeous blue eyes. I just love him. Well, I have things to do before bedtime comes so...
Until tomorrow,
The Dreamer

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 7

Hello Once again bloggers. Today was a day I consider my day off. Tuesdays are always fun days because I get to do what I love: Clean! My housekeeping business I run on Tuesdays and I love it. For some reason, cleaning is a hobby of mine. Kind of sick I know, but someone has to love it. I was supposed to have an hour long massage today, but they called me and said we had to reschedule because my massage therapist was sick. So I didn't get to do that today like I was hoping to. BUT I did get to see my best friend who I haven't seen in what feels like a month. I don't think it has been quite that long, but when you only have one really good close friend out in the sticks where I live, a month can be a long time. These flowers were at one of the houses I clean. They were too pretty to not take a picture of. My best friend and I were looking over wedding stuff today because she is getting married August 20th. I'm so excited. It will be so fun to get to see my best friend get married :D Today I felt like I held the world in my hand. It might not seem like much to most and it is not something I take for granted, but today, I got some really nice looks from some good looking men. I don't get asked out, and guys never talk to me unless they already know me, so for a guy to pay ANY attention to me just makes me feel like I'm Queen Bee. It made me feel great about myself. It is nice to get that kind of attention every now and again. Well with that said, I think I will end on that note and go to bed.
Until Tomorrow,

The Dreamer

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 6

So I'm not very glamorous tonight because once I got home I got straight into my jammies. Today was crazy. Do you ever set your alarm for work and think, ok, it will go off. Then you dream about your alarm not going off so you wake up to check it and it is hours or min before it is about to go off? Well, I had one of those mornings. I set my alarm last night knowing it would go off. My volume was turned all the way up and the alarm was set and turned on. I don't know what time it was when I thought, "My alarm should have gone off by now. Well, I know I set it so I'm going to trust that it will go off instead of being paranoid." Well, I end up waking up to my mom knocking on my door. I wake up, not at 6:30am, but at 8:16 am. I'm due to be at work by 8:30am. I rushed to work going almost 70 the whole way. My alarm was indeed set and turned on and volume up, but it was set for pm instead of am. Then I went to Les Schwab with the baby this afternoon to find out why my tire was pretty much flat last night. It was another wonderful nail that found its way into the heart of my tire for the 4th time this year. Lucky for me, it was fixable. So I went in just in time to have them fix it free of charge and I didn't need a new tire. Crazy day. Oh yes, I also went to visit my sister-in-law for an hour to kill more time and took a really cute picture of her on the floor laying her head on her mommy's leg. It was too cute to pass up the photo opportunity. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because it is one of my paydays. Anyway, time for me to get ready for bed.

Until tomorrow,

The Dreamer

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 5

Well, this is barely still day 5. I was in bed and I suddenly remembered I forgot to do my blog today. Well, with 20 min to spare of day 5, I'm going to make this short. Today was pretty good. I cleaned my room in a way I've been needing to and wanting to for sometime and I feel somewhat sane again. Also, after tomorrow I will know for sure if I'm declining the offer for my new job. I just don't feel a peace about it and there are many reasons I don't feel right about taking it. I'm going to talk with my current nanny mom tomorrow and see what she says, if she'll take me back again for a little while. I hope she does even though I will be searching for a new job. My Niece had her 10th b-day party today. Kind of boring, but I'm glad she had fun. Oh and "GREAT" news!!! For the 4th time this year I have a flat tire!! Yeah, I said 4th. Not too happy about that. My tires are not that old either. Tomorrow I start applying for jobs like mad!! I hope I get something before the 4th so that if my current job doesn't want to keep me, I will still have something. Anyway, Until tomorrow...
Good Night and Sweet Dreams,
The Dreamer

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 4

This is what today looks like. Gloomy. Those are the best days to me. There is occasional sun, but the sky is mostly covered in clouds. Big, grey beautiful clouds. I'm in my car because I had to go to the post office to send off my jury duty questionnaire. Yes, that's right, I've been summoned for Jury Duty. This is twice now in 5 years I've been summoned for Jury Duty. The first time I got out of it because of my job, but this time I think I will have to do it. I'm kind of excited because I love this kind of stuff. I just hope I get a trial for murder or something cool like that. Not that murder is cool. It just makes for a more interesting time while sitting there for however long you have to sit there. Anyway, so today is the Sabbath and I am relaxing. I hear my Brother and Sister-In-Law playing with my Niece and Nephew in the other room. Thoughts of how I will play with the new kids I will be Nanny to are going through my head. Not sure how I will do it. I honestly don't have really any faith in myself towards this new job for some reason. I'm always sure of myself with a job I've gone after and been hired for. This one I'm not too sure about. I think it is just the initial first day/week jitters and knowing her husband will be there at least the first day, to help me and watch me. I don't do anything well when people are watching me. Especially someone of a somewhat attractive nature of the opposite sex. It makes it hard for me. I will survive one way or another I'm sure. I think I just need to start praying more. I KNOW I need to start praying more. Well, I'm going to get back to relaxing. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Shabbat Shalom!
Until Tomorrow,
The Dreamer

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 3

So begins day 3. First off I'd like to start out by saying that I'm a dork. Now that we have that established, I'll explain. So yesterday I spoke of going to an interview. Well, as it turns out, the lady I was interviewing with didn't mention to me that she meant NEXT Thursday. But, as luck would have it, I got her voicemail message declaring that the interview was to be held on the 27th and I didn't travel an hour and 15 min out of my way for nothing. My phone is very interesting because when someone calls and I see they have not left me a voicemail message, I don't find out until someone else calls me and leaves me a message that the first person really did leave me a message. That is what happened with the interview message. Anyway, that was yesterday, and this is today. I sit here at my computer listening to the baby cry in the other room. He is not happy with me that I put him down for a nap. Well, sadly, he has to deal with that. I find myself today doing some serious reflection on my relationship with my creator. I felt very strongly that he was reminding me this morning that I need to show him I love him, more than just say I do. It has been something on my heart for a while now. It is just so easy to become lazy with your relationship with God that we become like everyone else who couldn't care less about what he has done for our lives and that HE is the one that keeps out hearts beating and can make them stop anytime he wants to. I find I need that reminder more often than I should. What I would like to do is get myself back to where I was almost a year ago. Last June I was daily once or twice a day, taking a moment, even if it were only 5 min out of my day, to sit and talk with him and read even as little as one scripture if not the whole chapter. I found I hated leaving home without my Bible because I was using it constantly where ever I went and I talked with him more than I did with anyone. And it was because of that relationship that I finally got answers to my prayers. Prayers I had never thought would get an answer, but they did. And ever since they were answered, It feels like I put a wall up and almost created this attitude of, "Well, I got what I wanted from you, now I'll just sit back and watch it happen." But I know that needs to end. So I'm going to try to get back into that routine and get that relationship back with my Creator, My Father. So, here's to Day 3!
Until tomorrow,
The Dreamer

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Day In The Life Of... Day 2

Hello again! We are on day 2 of the assignment I've given myself. I am in the last two weeks of this job, watching this little guy in the picture with me. I will miss him to some extent, but I'm excited to start the new job. A bit nervous I must admit, watching two girls at the worst ages possible. One is just about to start teething and is in the clingy stage and the other has just started the terrible twos!! So I will have a great challenge ahead of me. I just hope it works out, for my sake. Also, I have another interview tonight once I'm off work for a night nanny/housekeeping job and I'm almost certain I will get it. It is a little far of a drive for me right now, but they said they would be willing to wait a month until I move into my new place. Also, I have another possible future job prospect I learned of yesterday. My best friends husband is a GM for a car company and doesn't care for the receptionist that works there and is looking for a reason to fire her and when he does, I will have that job, full time and $10 an hour. I will then leave the nanny and housekeeping business and be much happier for it. That one might be a little ways down the road, but once I get that job, I just know I will try to keep that one for a long time. The last time I had a job that great I was working in Costco for the eye DR and I had that exact same pay and full time and I got almost $1000 every 2 weeks! I miss that job tons!! But alas, I live on the other side of the state and don't have that job anymore. Obviously. So I suppose that is my daily update for you today. I'll let you know tomorrow how the interview went.

Bye for now,

The Dreamer

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Day In The Life Of.....

Ok, so today starts a new chapter in my life. I feel as though I've been given a second chance. I was offered a Nanny job that I will try really hard to keep because my bills and future happiness depend on it. It offers almost double what I make now in my current job and a chance to go back to school!! SO starting today is my new adventure. I'm going to try to take a picture of myself everyday and post it and document a day in the life of me for one year.