Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A New Day...In The Life Of A Dream and Tea!

Me and little Keziah being silly :)
Keziah only a few hours old

Hello once again,

The last time I was on here I told you my sister-in-law was soon to have another baby and my sister was pregnant with twins. Well, just a little update on that. My sister-in-law had her baby, little Keziah Joy. She was born on December 9th and is just a doll! She even has little dimples! How precious they are!! My sister, lost one of her twins, but is still pregnant with one of them and she is having a GIRL!!! I couldn't be happier that she is having a little girl. She will be so cute!

I am, however, still unemployed. I am diligently searching for work, but to no avail. I have some hopeful leads, but nothing positively for sure yet. The hope I had lost a while back is slowly starting to get restored some, but very cautiously.

I have been thinking lately about how we so often as humans do the Adam thing. We blame others for our mistakes. If we screw up, we always seem to have a scape goat to blame it on. For example: Say you are trying to get things done at work and at the end of the day, your boss isn't happy you didn't finish everything. You blame it on constant interruptions from co-workers or phone calls or just not enough time in the day.

What I've been wondering is, why is it so hard for us to own up to things. If we sucked at something, why can't we accept the failure with our head still held high and move on and try to do better next time? I can't remember exactly what got me to thinking about this subject, but I can't seem to get it off my mind. I find myself doing it a lot in life and I think it is the next thing I'm going to try to improve on in my life. We all have our areas that need work, well this is one of many of mine. So here I am world, telling you that yes, I screw up and yes, I make mistakes. It wasn't because of little Suzie over in the corner that caused me to not become a success, it was me. If it really wasn't me, I will fight to the death to make you see that it wasn't me, but if it truly was my fault, I will try, very humbly, to accept my fault. No one is perfect right? But we can all strive for that goal and find ways to better ourselves in our everyday lives.

I have also started to try to better my life in a different way. I have started a new lifestyle of eating (and exercising). I don't like to call it a diet, because it is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change. It is a way of getting the Candida out of your system for good and just maintaining a healthier lifestyle all together. Eating mostly veggies and low sugar fruits and some meat. I have been enjoying lots of different foods such as, apples with almond butter, turkey legs, turkey lettuce wraps, roasted garlic and roasted garlic soup. I also juice on occasion with some ginger, carrot, celery and apple. So far it has been really easy. I attempted this back in 2006, but I didn't have much of an imagination with food like I do now, so after a month I quit. This time, I'm different and more experienced with food and I am enjoying myself.

I have a renewed love for tea. It is my saving grace. If I get a craving for a food I don't eat anymore, I replace that craving with some tea and I sweeten it with stevia which is just an herb and it doesn't effect your system like sugar. It passes right through like it were water. I think it is helping to reprogram my brain to desire other things that are better for me.

The enjoyment I get out of sitting here on my couch with a hot cup of Vanilla Almond tea is hard to describe, but the closest thing I can think of would be the feeling you get when a butterfly lands on you and says hello.

Until Next time,

The Dreamer

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