Monday, October 4, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...Day 39

Hello Readers,

I've been gone for quite sometime. A lot has happened in the months I have not written. I finally went on a road trip and saw some of the country. Not the pretty part, but it was still some of the country I have never seen. I have had mini heart breaks and been reconnected with lost loves. I have also become unemployed and life hasn't been very easy, but I'm blessed with great family to help me out through this time I'm going through.

I have been considering the Air Force for the second time. Life has just been too tough and the Air Force seems like a good answer. If I am not accepted into the AF I will truly not know what to do anymore. I would like to have hope, but I've gotten my hopes up too much these past few months while looking for work and had great opportunities that I thought would pan out and I'd get hired, but there was always someone more qualified than me. So we'll see.

On an exciting note! My Sister-In-Law will be having her 4th baby this Late November early December. And my little sister, who had her first this past January, is pregnant again and just told the family last night that she is not just pregnant, she is having twins!! I am so excited for her! I can't wait to find out what she will be having and if they are identical. I hope they are identical girls. But only time will tell.

Until another time,

The Dreamer

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