Friday, January 14, 2011

Amazing Turn Of Events

So, I entered my Niece Tovah in a Cutest Kid photo contest. At first I thought I would be the only entry because no one seemed to be entering their photos. Then a few more entries came in, but I wasn't worried. I had the most votes.
Then I there I was enjoying 1st place when a ton more contestants were entered and before I knew it, I was no longer in first.
I didn't know what else to do but to reach out to craigslist.
I don't know what it is about Spokane, but people are just out to find reasons to hate you and make your life miserable on craigslist. It was maybe 30 min before I started getting attacked by this horrible woman who caused so much trouble and drama for me in the photo contest and I almost dropped out. She was calling me a cheater and a liar because she thought posting my ad on craigslist was cheating. When I told her I called the creator of the contest to make sure I wasn't cheating (which it wasn't and it was even encouraged!) by posting that ad, she tells me, "Oh yeah, well, I just called her and asked if it was allowed and she said NO, it is not allowed. So you are a cheater AND a liar."
The creator of the contest was able to block her and her 4 fake aliases one of which was in MY name!! I felt somewhat better, but still a little damaged because I was no longer first. I was 4th and then tied for third and then I was 4th again. Well, tonight was the deadline for votes. Midnight was the closing. Seven hours before midnight I got desperate. I created a new account on craigslist with a different e-mail I had and I posted an ad for the second time asking people to help me out last minute, but this time, I posted the ad in a different state and city! I also posted on my facebook page telling people to help me win and to vote because there were only 7 hours left. In 4th place I was 18 or 19 votes behind. My friends finally woke up and posted urgent messages to their friends on FB telling them there was only a few hours left and to vote!
I went from 18 votes behind, to 16, to 12, to 8, to 7, to 4, to 2, to 1, to 11 votes ahead of the person that was 18 votes ahead of me! That is like 29 votes! I won the contest and I pretty much didn't have much hope left at the "7 hours left" mark. But I did have the faith of a mustard seed and I moved a mountain. It is very sweet poetic justice towards the chick that tried to get me to lose. Good always prevails over evil.
I couldn't get people to vote to save my life this past week. But last min, people came through and got me enough votes to win and now, I get to have pictures taken of me for the first time since I was like 8 years old; I am 26 now. I was so excited I was jumping up and down and dancing all around and celebrating with my mom. I never win anything so I'm just stoked! The picture of Tovah that I won with is right above. Awww cloud 9 sure is comfy ;)

Until Next Time,

The Dreamer

P.S. Dreams really do come true! haha

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