Saturday, December 6, 2008


Boy do I have goals. Big ones too. I recently graduated from Culinary school and I can now be a Pastry Chef if I so choose. Someday I want to open my own soup shop. I have the name pretty much picked out and the location I would like to have it in. I know it would be a hit. I'm great with soups! But that isn't my goal right now. I am really trying to loose unwanted weight. I used to workout so much, but I haven't done it in a couple years I think. When I moved to the city I am in now I weighed 134 but now I'm 175. I want to try to loose the weight by June because I am going to be going on a trip with my 2 best friends. It would be the vacation of a lifetime and I want to look great for it. It will be to Florida for a week. I am a big Nascar fan and I really want to go to the Daytona 500 while I am down there. I'm trying to get a second job so I can pay bills and save money for the trip. There is always something isn't there? I really want to save money for a trip to Ireland for my birthday next fall too but that is too big of a goal I think. I would also like to get married someday, but I don't have any prospects. I'm not ugly by any means and I don't look like a cow. I have a great smile, according to the million people who have told me so. I'm fun and have a great sense of humor and I'm a smart woman. I've been told I'm too intimidating. But I don't know what to change about myself to not be intimidating. But I don't want to have to change myself just to get a date anyway. If someone can't love me for me, then they are not meant for me and are a waste of time. Right? I do have more goals, but I could be here all night talking about them and I'm not sure how deep into my goals I want to go tonight. So I will end this blog for now...


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