Friday, March 5, 2010

Well, it never fails, I take the mask off and be me where I think it is allowed, and BAM! I find out true colors of friendship. I have a friend that I thought was a close enough friend to me that I could tell him when something was bothering me in our friendship. Apparently, he took it really hard when I told him I feel like I can't ask him anything anymore because he won't tell me anything anymore. His response was, "That pissed me right off. I was in the middle of typing something mean, when I realized it was very hurtful and so I didn't send it because I don't want to hurt you :( It was like I thought before I spoke, I love when I do that :)" He didn't have to tell me what it was, just knowing that in an instant of sharing my feelings with someone I considered a best friend of the opposite sex, he became an instant enemy and was going to say something he knew would hurt me. My heart really hurts knowing that, he had his guard up and it was like something he had already thought of to say to hurt me previously to this conversation, and it was just tucked away waiting to be unleashed. I don't know how to feel about that. I know I don't deserve friendship like this, but as fast as he was mad, he was over it (supposedly) and moved on. I wrote him an e-mail explaining why I said what I said and how I thought we were the kind of friends that would be ok sharing things that bothered one another about each other and it was pretty long and I explained my feelings and how I didn't know what happened to our friendship because we (up until about a month ago) shared everything with each other and something happened and we keep growing apart and I told him we needed to talk this out so we can fix our friendship before it is too late basically. I'm still waiting on a response from him, but what he said really hurt me. Am I over reacting? How should I feel about the situation. Should I be the one to apologize? Am I the one in the wrong? Please let me know. I need feed back.



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